Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hate you.

Yes you, you son of a bitch.
You know who you are. Fess up, so I can run a large metal stick up your ass. With a bulldozer.

For those confused, lemme clarify. I just spent the last month with Square-Enix trying to get my account reactivated and fixed after it was hacked.

I hate you gilsellers and account hackers so fucking much right now. Hate...You...

So much pent up rage. Fuckers cleaned me out almost completely. The only things they didn't get were the items I had in Storage, an unpaidfor Mog Locker, and my AF. Now, don't get me wrong, SE handled my case rather well. What really irks me is that the motherfuckers that hacked my account got away with all the gil they made from my gear. Even though I got most of my account back in the data restore, I lost alot of items that were on the auction house and in my inbox. (7 full inboxes worth of gear, that's about 56 items there.) And those fuckers STILL got their money. It's sickening to know these people exist, and what's worse is that there's really not much we can do to them aside from firebombing their base of operations. That's neither feasible nor ethical, but goddammit, there's gotta be something we can do. And I see it happen all the time. Gryyphyn's brand new account was banned because of hackers, and he can never play again. Lifetime ban because someone fucked with his account.

My rage for the RMT's is neverending. That, and I'd like to remove breathing privileges from the malicious hackers and malware writers. They make my job a living hell. I just hate them on principle.

Fuckers. All of them.