Friday, May 11, 2007

It's hard to say goodbye...

So, I'll just say: "See ya when I do, man."

If that was a little cryptic, don't be frightened. I may update infrequently, but I'm not going anywhere. No, this is directed towards my good friend Vorondil. You may remember him as the Taru White Mage. He just recently (read: two weeks ago) quit the game indefinitely. Now, I don't have any pictures because I'm not able to log in again,(goddamn money troubles) but I will say that I will miss him ingame. It was nice having a WHM always hanging around.

In other news, Elmyr hit lvl 70 puppetmaster, and within hours of doing so, decided he was done forever, and promptly deleted his character. That was sad too, not a whole lot of high level pup's running around. He was one of the few that could say "I solo'd 75% of my character." For the record, I'm not aware of any other jobclass that can do that. If anyone that actually plays pipes in with "Hurr...rdm/nin cn u fag!!1! Durr!!", (in english that translates to "Red mage sub classed ninja can, you cigarette!") I'll hear none of it. Rdm/nin is no good at soloing until 74. Then, it's just godlike. Pup is the only job I know for a fact can solo from 1-75. Oh, and beastmaster I guess, but noone likes beastmaster unless they are retarded or xenophobic. (look it up.)

All I know is, all the people I know are leaving the game for more productive things. I on the other hand, when I can afford it, will jump right back on where I left off.

I guess that's really all I have to say today. Nothing else new to talk about here. May have some good news in the birdhouse within the next couple days, so keep an eye there.

Until then, I'm out.
