Sunday, January 25, 2009

Keeping up

So, as of this last week, alot of things have happened to me.

1: I remembered this place.
2: I got to Nyzul Isle floor 100, and completed it. Whoo.
3: I have the following Mythic Weaponskills: Tachi:Rana (Samurai) and Drakesbane (Dragoon).
4: I have obtained Wings rank in the Wings of the Goddess campaign.
5: Uh, I have a level 68 Monk, and the Nyzul Weapon (level 75) to go with it.
6: There is no 6.
7: I've got 2 missions left in Chains of Promathia to complete.
8: Drakesbane is hawt.

Aand, there you have it. Just an update. No stories to tell today. Sorry.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

Updates, updates

Lessee. Now that I have my account back and have been happily playing, I can report that I am now a 75 Dragoon, in addition to the 75 Samurai. Also, as of today, I have gotten to level 58 Monk. DD all the way, baby!

I've been doing Nyzul Isle lately too. For those unfamiliar: (And if you are, what the hell are you still doing reading this?) It's a 100 floor dungeon that has randomly generated floors. Now, that sounds terrifying normally, but the floors are pretty small, and you have a 30 minute time limit to do 5 floors. I bring this up because it's also the starting point for the new Mythic Weapons and their related Weapon skills. I now have the level 1 Mythic Weapon for Dragoon, which means I can unlock the Mythic Weaponskill "Drakesbane". Joy!

Only 7911 Weapon skill points to go. ; ;

Did I mention that my highest completed Nyzul floor right now is only 32? I didn't? Well, there you go. Floor 32.

I'm not gonna go into details on anything in this post. For that, you can go here:

I'm not even gonna hyperlink it. Mostly because I'm too tired and lazy right now to remember how to.

Now, go do some reading and have a night.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hate you.

Yes you, you son of a bitch.
You know who you are. Fess up, so I can run a large metal stick up your ass. With a bulldozer.

For those confused, lemme clarify. I just spent the last month with Square-Enix trying to get my account reactivated and fixed after it was hacked.

I hate you gilsellers and account hackers so fucking much right now. Hate...You...

So much pent up rage. Fuckers cleaned me out almost completely. The only things they didn't get were the items I had in Storage, an unpaidfor Mog Locker, and my AF. Now, don't get me wrong, SE handled my case rather well. What really irks me is that the motherfuckers that hacked my account got away with all the gil they made from my gear. Even though I got most of my account back in the data restore, I lost alot of items that were on the auction house and in my inbox. (7 full inboxes worth of gear, that's about 56 items there.) And those fuckers STILL got their money. It's sickening to know these people exist, and what's worse is that there's really not much we can do to them aside from firebombing their base of operations. That's neither feasible nor ethical, but goddammit, there's gotta be something we can do. And I see it happen all the time. Gryyphyn's brand new account was banned because of hackers, and he can never play again. Lifetime ban because someone fucked with his account.

My rage for the RMT's is neverending. That, and I'd like to remove breathing privileges from the malicious hackers and malware writers. They make my job a living hell. I just hate them on principle.

Fuckers. All of them.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

News from Vana'Diel.

OK, I know I don't say much here. Ever. Bear with me. My Vana'Diel days are pretty boring most of the time. Don't get me wrong, I love being there, it's just standing around looking for party for hours doesn't get high acclaim from me. Recently I have laid down the role of Samurai, and put thief and blue mage on the backseat. (interesting note: as I type this, Spell-check informs me that 'mage' is not a word." I have been playing as my 2nd favorite class: Dragoon.

Dragoon makes me tingle in a number of ways, most of which are good. Lances, for one, are always fun. And then there's the delight of jumping on your enemy's head, striking them down with said lance. But, lo, most of my enjoyment from dragoon comes from my personal pet: the wyvern. A low maintenance pet (by Vana'Diel's standards) that is so versatile that it makes me giggle with glee.

He can act as a healer or damage dealer, or both if I so desire. I know that doesn't sound like alot, but he really is one of the best pets the game has, right up there with Puppetmaster's Automaton. Now, I say low maintenance because he needs neither parts to upgrade (Automaton) nor MP to maintain (summons), and isn't likely to turn on me and beat my ass in the middle of a fight. (Beastmaster Charmed pets. Of course, they have "Jug Pets" too, but those have a time limit on how long they stick around.)

Now, don't get me wrong. Dragoon isn't perfect, but it suits me fine. If I sub Blue Mage to it, I can solo decently. Bad points: Decent equipment is retardedly rare for dragoon until your high 50's. Even then, it's sparse. Halfway decent dragoon equipment post 70 is so expensive you'll have to mortgage your moghouse to afford it. And don't even ask about GOOD equipment. It's no wonder most dragoons spend 90% of their post 60 lives in Artifact Armor. (Which, in and of itself isn't that bad if you rely on your wyvern, like I do. That, and it's stylish to boot.) Getting experience parties is really slow for dragoon too. I see alot of "Everybody wants to be one, noone wants to be WITH one." Which is sad, because Dragoons tear Aht Urghan mobs to pieces. Sub samurai to a post 60 dragoon, and you have an uber killing machine. I'll tell you that's true, it's how I roll. Dragoons also boast some of the best Multi-hit weapon skills in the game. (Penta-Thrust. Divine punishment on all things flying.) And who can forget the 'save my ass' Super Jump? When you're like me and run Penta-Thrust, Meditate, Penta-Thrust, you need a way to get rid of that hate before you give the tank and the healer a heart attack. BAM! Super Jump. Erase the hate.

Bleh, I've gone on too long now. You get the idea. Dragoons are your friends. Show them some love.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

No, I haven't forgotten...

OK, yes I did. Sue me. I did forget about this blog, which is sad. Truthfully, I haven't done anything in Vana'diel worth noting since the last post. (3 of these months I've been unable to logon anyways.)

So, I make a triumphant comeback and get something that everyone wants:
Sky Access.
That's right, Gensoden can now go play with the Gods. And I did.
Juat this last Saturday I did my first Sky run. This is the day after I got access. I love having connections. Anywho, my first run took me and the rest of Kenzoku against the God himself: Kirin. This was all kinds of awesome, and I had such a good time I forgot to do one important thing: Screenshots. That's right folks, nothing visual for you this time. Sorry. And there probably won't be any of Kirin for a while, since we won't be able to fight him again till we get all the spawn items for him. This involves fighting the other 4 Gods. I'll try to remember screenshots for those.

I know, big news, small post. You should be used to that from me.

Friday, May 11, 2007

It's hard to say goodbye...

So, I'll just say: "See ya when I do, man."

If that was a little cryptic, don't be frightened. I may update infrequently, but I'm not going anywhere. No, this is directed towards my good friend Vorondil. You may remember him as the Taru White Mage. He just recently (read: two weeks ago) quit the game indefinitely. Now, I don't have any pictures because I'm not able to log in again,(goddamn money troubles) but I will say that I will miss him ingame. It was nice having a WHM always hanging around.

In other news, Elmyr hit lvl 70 puppetmaster, and within hours of doing so, decided he was done forever, and promptly deleted his character. That was sad too, not a whole lot of high level pup's running around. He was one of the few that could say "I solo'd 75% of my character." For the record, I'm not aware of any other jobclass that can do that. If anyone that actually plays pipes in with "Hurr...rdm/nin cn u fag!!1! Durr!!", (in english that translates to "Red mage sub classed ninja can, you cigarette!") I'll hear none of it. Rdm/nin is no good at soloing until 74. Then, it's just godlike. Pup is the only job I know for a fact can solo from 1-75. Oh, and beastmaster I guess, but noone likes beastmaster unless they are retarded or xenophobic. (look it up.)

All I know is, all the people I know are leaving the game for more productive things. I on the other hand, when I can afford it, will jump right back on where I left off.

I guess that's really all I have to say today. Nothing else new to talk about here. May have some good news in the birdhouse within the next couple days, so keep an eye there.

Until then, I'm out.


Monday, April 02, 2007

The Great "It's About Time"

Gensoden finally hit level 75 yesterday. As the title indicates, it's about damn time.
I would have pictures, but I have to wait until I can access my account again. (First of the month=payment time. Lack of payment=no play for Gensoden. The world weeps.) So, just as soon as I can get my pictures wrenched away from PlayOnline, I'll add them, along with some details.

Update: Pictures. Yay. First pic is me the moment I hit level 75. Go me.
Free Image Hosting at

Next is my sexy new Wyvern Helm. Makes me look badass.
Free Image Hosting at

And finally, my Great Katana, Onimaru. Yes, the blade is dark blue.
Free Image Hosting at

And, there you have it. My next venture is Thief to level 75. That will be a chore.